Journey to the East - Part 3
It was Day 2 in Istanbul. Most of our day was spent here in Ayasofya. Syukur Alhamdulillah I was Sunny day!
After morning breakfast, we took a walk at the street, again. Just to see the view during day time. I call the street where our hotel located as Russian street because most of the seller there are Russian!
After breakfast, we headed to Ayasofya. This place was once a castle and now has been changed to a museum. We were so lucky at that time because there was an exhibition of the things or items which belongs to our Rasulullah SAW and his 4 Sahabat. His sejadah, clothes, their swords, hair of Rasulullah SAW, the cup that He used and more. However, any recording devices are strictly prohibited.
So, enjoy the photo!
These are photo that managed to capture while walking to the restaurant nearby
Masjid for Zohor prayer.
Then we went to Spice Bazaar. It's almost the same as Grand Bazaar
That's for Day 2!
Disclaimer: All photos belongs to Fotofutiphotography. Please ask for permission before use.